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Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools

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Location: 485 OAK ALLEY TRAIL CLAYTON, NC 27527
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 07/31/2024
Score: 0

#  Comments Points
General Comments
General Comment:
-Ring buoys were showing signs of wear both are in compliance but it is recommended they be replaced before end of season.

- A working flow meter is required at all times. Self-close if flow meter becomes inoperable only to re-open after it is repaired/replaced.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 485 OAK ALLEY TRAIL CLAYTON, NC 27527
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 04/24/2024
Score: 0

#  Comments Points
General Comments
2 sets (ring buoy with throw rope and body hook) required at all times. monitor ring buoy rope for fraying through season. replace rope when fraying is observed.
Working flow meter is required at all times. self close if flow meter becomes inoperable only to reopen after it is repaired/replaced.
no night swimming.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 485 OAK ALLEY TRAIL CLAYTON, NC 27527
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 09/08/2023
Score: 0

#  Comments Points
General Comments
No Violations Noted.

Item resulting in the Intent to Suspend have been repaired. Intent Lifted.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 485 OAK ALLEY TRAIL CLAYTON, NC 27527
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 08/07/2023
Score: 4

#  Comments Points
8. All but 2 weirs were missing from skimmers. All skimmers must be in good repair. 4.0
General Comments
Ring buoys are in compliance but it is recommended that they are replaced before next season.
Be sure to record weekly alkalinity and cyanuric acid weekly.
Monitor fence to maintain proper 4" spacing of vertical members.
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Location: 485 OAK ALLEY TRAIL CLAYTON, NC 27527
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 04/04/2023
Score: 4

#  Comments Points
17. Broken deck area at edge of pool resulting in a cracked area greater than .5" pool putty was placed in the area of the cracked tile to eliminate trip hazards. Decks must be unobstructed and free of trip hazards. 4.0
General Comments
no night swimming.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 485 OAK ALLEY TRAIL CLAYTON, NC 27527
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 04/14/2022
Score: 6

#  Comments Points
15. One Ring buoy had dry rot on the buoy rope and the throw rope and was replaced at inspection. The other ring buoy throw rope was dry rotted and fraying. Both throw ropes were replaced at inspection. monitor all ring buoys and ropes for fraying and replace when ropes fray with twisting. 6.0
General Comments
no night swimming.
Pool was was slightly cloudy all maindrain and screws are visible from deck. Maintain clarity so maindrains are visible at all times.
Build up of debris in corners of pool on walls/floor. Keep pool walls and floors clean. replace the missing tile on the pool wall at the water line.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 485 OAK ALLEY TRAIL CLAYTON, NC 27527
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 07/29/2021
Score: 2

#  Comments Points
25. Chemicals on rack in the pump room should be stored in separate chemical room. 2.0
General Comments
Emergency phone tested and was operational
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 485 OAK ALLEY TRAIL CLAYTON, NC 27527
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 04/22/2021
Score: 0

#  Comments Points
7. As you enter the pool deck, pool flooring in pool on the left has small spots where plaster is worn or wearing. Monitor for wear, pitting, chipping, etc. Plaster may need to be redone after season. 0.0
General Comments
No Violations Noted!
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 485 OAK ALLEY TRAIL CLAYTON, NC 27527
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 04/16/2021
Score: 24

#  Comments Points
6. At the start-maindrain screws were not visible as holes were white. Around the drains there was a white settled powder. Operator brushed and water became cloudy due to the white powder being disturbed. Screws in the main drain must be visible-remove powder. All chemicals that are placed in the pool must be dissolved to become a solution-not allowed to settle or concentrate in an area. 6.0
7. There is a visible green/yellow/black growth on the pool wall, corners and step treads. Clean to remove and prevent. 4.0
22. Emergency telephone was very staticky at first-then not operational when operator tried to fix. Pool must have an operational landline phone in order to open or operate. 6.0
23. Chlorine pucks were placed in the skimmers below baskets-do not put chemicals in the baskets. 4.0
24. Flow meter was not operational at start of inspection-operator repaired. Make sure it is operating at all times. 4.0
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 485 OAK ALLEY TRAIL CLAYTON, NC 27527
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 08/31/2020
Score: 0

#  Comments Points
General Comments
No Violations noted. All items resulting in an intent to suspend have been repaired.

There are many areas of the pool where the plaster is missing and concrete is visible-monitor these areas. If pitting and debris is accumulating in these spots then the pool must be repaired-replastered. Area around the feature is delaminating-monitor and repair as needed.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 485 OAK ALLEY TRAIL CLAYTON, NC 27527
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 08/06/2020
Score: 10

#  Comments Points
5. Records unable to be located, operator stated via phone that they are usually located in pump room by test kit. Provide at reinspection in 30 days. 0.0
7. There is a green/black buildup on the pool wall and floor on the left side of pool. Clean to remove and prevent this growth-buildup. 4.0
15. At start of inspection, there were 2 body hooks on 12` long pole & 1 ring buoy with a 50` rope. Pool is over 3000 sq ft of surface area so 2 units of life saving are required. A second ring buoy with 50` rope was located in a locked storage room. Always provide 2 units -CDI 6.0
General Comments
Intent to Suspend issued to give 30 days to remove the green/black debris-growth. Repair by 9-6-2020
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 485 OAK ALLEY TRAIL CLAYTON, NC 27527
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 05/08/2020
Score: 0

#  Comments Points
General Comments
No violations noted!

Permit issued but pool cannot open to bathers until all Executive Orders concerning COVID-19 have been lifted, expired and not extended.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 485 OAK ALLEY TRAIL CLAYTON, NC 27527
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 04/14/2020
Score: 6

#  Comments Points
12. Pool has 2 vacuum ports in the pool and pool was constructed in 2012. 1 port has a self closing cover that needs a tool to open-other has a plug. All vacuum ports must have a self closing cover that closes and a tool is used to open. Provide the approved self closing cover. 4.0
25. Ventilation units in both the pump room and chemical room could not be proven to be operational. Grates removed by operator and motors not working - Repair. 2.0
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 485 OAK ALLEY TRAIL CLAYTON, NC 27527
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 08/13/2019
Score: 0

#  Comments Points
General Comments
All items on intent to suspended were corrected! Intent to suspend lifted! Couple areas on pool wall to coping beauty ring are beginning to crack and come off. Repair by next pool season!
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 485 OAK ALLEY TRAIL CLAYTON, NC 27527
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 07/16/2019
Score: 12

#  Comments Points
7. Swimming lane markers have mold in between grout lines. Remove mold from pool. Water is clear! 4.0
16. Main door to pool is sticking from close distances on door frame. Repair door so it closes from all distances. 4.0
24. Flow meter is stuck, repair so it works properly. 4.0
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 485 OAK ALLEY TRAIL CLAYTON, NC 27527
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 04/24/2019
Score: 6

#  Comments Points
15. The provided ring buoy had a deteriorating rope around it. It was replaced with a brand new ring buoy. Square footage of the pool area is >3000 sq ft so 2 units of lifesaving equipment are required. Only 1 ring buoy and 2 body hooks were provided at start. Operator was able to provide the second ring buoy with 50 foot rope. CDI 6.0
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 485 OAK ALLEY TRAIL CLAYTON, NC 27527
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 08/14/2018
Score: 8

#  Comments Points
7. The 3ft 9in marker on the wall of pool is chipped. Repair by next pool season. 4.0
16. The fence in several spots were bent with greater than 4 inches between members. CDI members bent to be less than 4 inch gaps. 4.0
General Comments
22. The emergency phone may need to be replaced. You could hear the operator but it sounded faint.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 485 OAK ALLEY TRAIL CLAYTON, NC 27527
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 04/27/2018
Score: 0

#  Comments Points
General Comments
Night swimming is not permitted.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 485 OAK ALLEY TRAIL CLAYTON, NC 27527
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 08/03/2017
Score: 4

#  Comments Points
17. One table was 4 ft. from a handrail. A couple of chairs were 7 ft from the pool edge. 8 ft of clear deck space is required. Corrected during inspection. 4.0
General Comments
Main drains secure. All missing weirs have been replaced. Intent to suspend the permit is lifted.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 485 OAK ALLEY TRAIL CLAYTON, NC 27527
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 07/31/2017
Score: 8

#  Comments Points
8. 9 weirs missing from skimmers. Intent to suspend the permit issued. 4.0
16. Distance between a couple of vertical members in the fence was greater than 4 inches. Corrected during inspection. 4.0
General Comments
Safety equipment and signs in place. Main drains secure. Emergency telephone works. Small amount of algae growth observed in a couple of places around the pool.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 485 OAK ALLEY TRAIL CLAYTON, NC 27527
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 05/04/2017
Score: 6

#  Comments Points
24. Provide an extra strainer basket for the feature pump. 4.0
29. Provide soap in restrooms at handwash lavatories. 2.0
General Comments
Lock box 1830
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Location: 485 OAK ALLEY TRAIL CLAYTON, NC 27527
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 06/30/2016
Score: 10

#  Comments Points
2. 0 ppm chlorine in in the pool when checked. 1 ppm or greater is required. Corrected to 4 ppm. 6.0
8. Missing weir on the 5ft deep end. Corrected during inspection. 4.0
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 485 OAK ALLEY TRAIL CLAYTON, NC 27527
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 05/24/2016
Score: 2

#  Comments Points
29. No hot water in restroom. 2.0
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 485 OAK ALLEY TRAIL CLAYTON, NC 27527
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 05/14/2015
Score: 0

#  Comments Points
General Comments
Pool permit issued! No demerits! Pool must close at dusk.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 485 OAK ALLEY TRAIL CLAYTON, NC 27527
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 05/19/2014
Score: 12

#  Comments Points
9. A depth marker was farther than 25' on the left side of pool (from entrance). CPO placed/colored in a 5' depth marker. 4.0
15. Because pool is larger than 3000ft2 two unit of life saving must be present. CPO went to purchase second unit. 6.0
25. Chemical room must have door with vent or remove the thresh-hold. 2.0
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 485 OAK ALLEY TRAIL CLAYTON, NC 27527
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 06/06/2013
Score: 6

#  Comments Points
16. Make sure door is always self closing and self latching from all distances. 4.0
25. Remove threshold on door to chemical room or install vent in door so air can circulate when door is closed. 2.0
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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