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Facility Type: Year-Round Swimming Pools

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Location: 809 VENTURE DR SMITHFIELD, NC 27577
Facility Type: Year-Round Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 01/09/2024
Score: 2

#  Comments Points
29. Hot water in the restrooms by pool access is >110F. Hot water should not be any warmer than 110F. 2.0
General Comments
*Door to pool deck from back patio self closed but did not completely self latch- recommend self closure and self latching.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 809 VENTURE DR SMITHFIELD, NC 27577
Facility Type: Year-Round Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 07/05/2023
Score: 6

#  Comments Points
3. The pH of the pool water was a 8.0 at the start of inspection. Operator added acid and allowed to circulate. The pH is now a 7.8. Monitor. A pH in the range of 7.2-7.8 is required. 6.0
General Comments
Both of the main drains and the equalizer covers have been replaced with new ones and installed correctly. Immediate Suspension that was issued on 3-20-23 is lifted.

Pool can return to normal operation.
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Location: 809 VENTURE DR SMITHFIELD, NC 27577
Facility Type: Year-Round Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 01/06/2023
Score: 0

#  Comments Points
General Comments
Main drains and equalizer cover expire 3-1-23, must replace or show proof of replacement. Equalizer line can be plugged.
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Location: 809 VENTURE DR SMITHFIELD, NC 27577
Facility Type: Year-Round Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 01/03/2023
Score: 22

#  Comments Points
3. Ph was above 8.0 at the start of inspection, after chemicals were added pH was at 7.6. 6.0
5. Daily records of: free chlorine, pH, main drains and temperature must be recorded. Weekly record of total alkalinity and cyanuric acid is required. 4.0
8. Equalizer line was not blocked, CPO blocked during inspection. 4.0
17. Can not have any trip hazards with in 5 feet of pool edge or 5 feet behind any handles. 4.0
24. Flow meter ws not working properly. Flow meter must be flowing not stuck on bottom. 4.0
General Comments
Permit is not being issued. Main drains and equalizer cover must be replaced by 3-1-23. Width of pool is 13' 6", ring buoy rope should be around 20.5'.
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Location: 809 VENTURE DR SMITHFIELD, NC 27577
Facility Type: Year-Round Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 03/09/2020
Score: 12

#  Comments Points
3. Ph was at 7.0 at the beginning of inspection. After adding chemicals pH is now 7.4. 6.0
5. Daily records of chlorine, pH, main drains and weekly cyanuric acid must be recorded. 4.0
11. Ladder is very loose. The ladder can be pulled out of the floor. Repair ladder so it can not be pulled out of floor. 2.0
General Comments
Pool can now open. Will be back in 30 days to check daily recording of pool chemistry.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 809 VENTURE DR SMITHFIELD, NC 27577
Facility Type: Year-Round Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 03/02/2020
Score: 16

#  Comments Points
5. Chlorine is not being recorded on daily records. Cyanuric acid levels should be done weekly. Intent issued. Need complete records! 4.0
7. Repair small chips on pool steps 0.0
17. Keep chairs pulled back from pool at least 5ft to maintain 5ft of clear deck space around pool. 4.0
22. Emergency telephone not working at time of inspection. Permit suspended. 6.0
29. Hot water in restrooms exceeds 110F. 2.0
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 809 VENTURE DR SMITHFIELD, NC 27577
Facility Type: Year-Round Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 05/22/2019
Score: 10

#  Comments Points
5. Total alkalinity and cyanuric acid levels must be checked and recorded weekly. On written record copies there are no recordings. 4.0
11. Tighten handrail on ladder. 2.0
25. Piping is leaking causing pooling of water in pump room floor. Repair pipe leaks. 2.0
29. Hot water in bathrooms in excess of 110F. Hot water should be 110F maximum. 2.0
General Comments
17. coping area was repainted with a slip resistant aggregate paint and is now slip resistant.
7. Area of chipping on second step and needs repair/patching.
16. Monitor entry door to ensure it will self close/self latch at all distances of opening. Card reader was programmed to operate.
Recommend that pool heater be inaccessible to the general public.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Location: 809 VENTURE DR SMITHFIELD, NC 27577
Facility Type: Year-Round Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 05/21/2019
Score: 18

#  Comments Points
5. Total alkalinity and cyanuric acid levels must be checked and recorded weekly. On written record copies there are no recordings. 4.0
7. Area on second step by the color band is chipped/sharp. Repair this area. 4.0
11. Tighten handrail on ladder. 2.0
17. Painted white coping area on pool deck is extremely slippery especially when wet. Add texture to this area it must be slip resistant. 4.0
25. Piping is leaking causing pooling of water in pump room floor. Repair pipe leaks. 2.0
29. Hot water in bathrooms in excess of 110F. Hot water should be 110F maximum. 2.0
General Comments
16. Cardreader in door is not operable. Monitor this door to make sure it always self closes/self latches. Do not prop back door open.
Recommend that the pool heater be inaccessible to the general public.
Pool to remain closed until reinspection.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 809 VENTURE DR SMITHFIELD, NC 27577
Facility Type: Year-Round Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 04/25/2019
Score: 8

#  Comments Points
3. PH to pool i sbloe 7.2, Ph must be between 7.2 - 7.8. After adding chemical PH is now 7.8. 6.0
5. Daily records have not been kept during closing, while repairing floor. Record must start back when water was placed into pool. 0.0
25. Part of the pump PVC is leaking. Repair this leak before permitting. 2.0
General Comments
Permit expires very soon. Data sheet and fees are due. Permit suspension has been lifted. Pool can be open.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 809 VENTURE DR SMITHFIELD, NC 27577
Facility Type: Year-Round Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 04/12/2019
Score: 0

#  Comments Points
General Comments
Intent to suspend was issued on 3-13-19 to provide a certified operator who reports to the facility at a minimum of 1 time a day. The pool now has an operator that is on staff at the facility and is responsible for the operation of the pool. Although the issue that resulted in the intent has been repaired, the pool is completely drained for repairs. A re-inspection must be completed on the pool in order to reopen the pool to bathers. Pool permit suspended until reinspected and opened by the Health Department.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Location: 809 VENTURE DR SMITHFIELD, NC 27577
Facility Type: Year-Round Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 03/13/2019
Score: 10

#  Comments Points
5. The required daily and weekly records are not being recorded and the pool operator is not making daily visits to the pool to monitor these items. The pool operator must report at least daily to the pool to check and record daily pH, daily free chlorine and daily main drain checks. As well as weekly cyanuric acid and the total alkalinity. Intent issued. 4.0
7. The floor of the swimming pool is wearing down, discolored, pitting and chipping. The entire floor of the swimming pool must be refinished to be a solid surface in good repair. This must be completed in order to get a permit for operating. The skimmer by the door/window is slightly offset due to setting-repair also by permitting. 4.0
29. Hot water in restrooms was 112F. Should not be any warmer then 110F. 2.0
General Comments
Pool can reopen to bathers.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Location: 809 VENTURE DR SMITHFIELD, NC 27577
Facility Type: Year-Round Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 03/12/2019
Score: 10

#  Comments Points
3. The pH of the swimming pool water was less then a 7.0. The pH level in a swimming pool must be maintained between a 7.2 and 7.8. Pool closed until repaired and re-inspected by the Health Department. 6.0
5. Pool records are not being maintained. A few day might have a pH recorded or a chlorine level. The trained Pool operator must report to the pool daily at a minimum. They must record daily pH, free chlorine levels and main drain checks. 4.0
7. The floor of the swimming pool is starting to show chipping and pitting. The floor will need to be refinished before the new year round permit can be issued (May). The skimmer by the door/windows is slightly off set due to settling. If this reaches an offset of or over 1/2 inch then it must be repaired. 0.0
General Comments
Pool is closed to bathers due to a pH not in the range of 7.2-7.8. Once repaired to the proper chemistry, a re-inspection by the Health Department must be completed.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 809 VENTURE DR SMITHFIELD, NC 27577
Facility Type: Year-Round Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 02/14/2019
Score: 2

#  Comments Points
5. Pool was closed for 2 months so pool records were not complete. Pool heater was being replaced causing the closure. Maintain all records as required. 0.0
29. Water in shower and bathrooms was 115F. Hot water should be no more than 110F. 2.0
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 809 VENTURE DR SMITHFIELD, NC 27577
Facility Type: Year-Round Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 05/11/2018
Score: 8

#  Comments Points
15. During the inspection, the throw rope attached to the ring buoy was measured and found to be 15.5` long. Based on the pool dimensions the throw rope must be at least 20.5` long. Management was notified and the rope was adjusted to bring it into compliance. The rope is now 21` long. 6.0
28. How water in shower area was 120*F. How water should be no more than 110*F. 2.0
General Comments
Recommendation: Free chlorine was recommended to maintain at a lower level but always greater than 1ppm. Pool walls and floors have recently been patched, keep maintain. Floors and walls as needed. Permit is being issued.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 809 VENTURE DR SMITHFIELD, NC 27577
Facility Type: Year-Round Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 04/20/2018
Score: 18

#  Comments Points
2. Pool chlorine was less than 1ppm. Chlorine brought to 7ppm during inspection. CDI 6.0
3. Pool pH was less than 7.0. Raise pH to at least 7.2. pH raised to 7.4 during inspection CDI 6.0
11. Ladder was not permanently attached to pool deck. Reattach ladder. 2.0
16. Entrance door would not self-close if opened only a short distance. Repair door so that it will self close. Notice of Intent issued based on door .2528(7) 4.0
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 809 VENTURE DR SMITHFIELD, NC 27577
Facility Type: Year-Round Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 03/22/2018
Score: 16

#  Comments Points
5. Records not kept onsite. Keep daily/weekly records. 4.0
8. Weil missing from surface skimmer. Replace weil. Notice of Intent to Suspend. 4.0
16. Exit door on pool deck does not self latch. Repair door. Notice of Intent to Suspend. 4.0
25. Store chemicals off the floor. 2.0
28. Shower temperature 120 *F. Turn water heat down to 110 *F. 2.0
General Comments
-Change number of emergency phone to match the number 911 shows.
-Replace ring buoy and keep rope accessible and untangled.
-Deck drain should be repaired.
-Check bottom rung of ladder and repair if necessary
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Location: 809 VENTURE DR SMITHFIELD, NC 27577
Facility Type: Year-Round Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 05/12/2017
Score: 20

#  Comments Points
2. Free chlorine was less than 1ppm on 2 check. But actually flashed too high. Chlorine is now at 5ppm. 6.0
3. Ph was at 7.0, 7.4 on two check. Ph is now at 7.2. 6.0
4. Heater was not turned on. 0.0
7. Pool wall & floors will need to be resurfaced by next years permitting. 0.0
8. Weir was not attached at start of inspection. CPO re-attached weir to skimmer. Weir can not float in skimmer. 4.0
24. Flow meter was stuck and leaking, CPO repaired during inspection. 4.0
General Comments
Electrical safety letter was given to CPO. If already have report fax to our office.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 809 VENTURE DR SMITHFIELD, NC 27577
Facility Type: Year-Round Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 02/23/2017
Score: 24

#  Comments Points
8. Weir missing from skimmer. Installed during the inspection. 4.0
11. One ladder was loose where it attaches to the pool deck. Corrected during the inspection. 2.0
15. Body hook missing on 12 ft pole. Ring buoy was not in the pool enclosure. Throw rope was 1 foot short of being 1.5 times the width of the pool. Corrected during the inspection. 6.0
22. When 911 called, the address on 911's end did not match with the physical address at 809 Venture drive. Corrected during the inspection. 6.0
24. Flow meter stuck. Corrected during the inspection. 4.0
25. Chemicals stored in the pump room. Store chemicals in a separate room. 2.0
General Comments
Records indicate main drains are not checked daily. Must be checked daily and recorded. Chipped paint on the floor of the pool needs repair.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 809 VENTURE DR SMITHFIELD, NC 27577
Facility Type: Year-Round Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 05/13/2016
Score: 8

#  Comments Points
4. Temperature of the pool water was at 92*F at beginning of inspection. CPO turned heater down and pool water temperature is now 90*F. 6.0
11. Ladder was loose during inspection, CPO repaired and is not able to be pulled up at this time. 2.0
General Comments
Permit is being issued.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 809 VENTURE DR SMITHFIELD, NC 27577
Facility Type: Year-Round Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 03/08/2016
Score: 6

#  Comments Points
3. Pool pH when checked was 7.0. pH must be in the range of 7.2 to 7.8. Corrected to 7.8 during the inspection. 6.0
General Comments
New weir has been installed to replace the one that was missing. Intent to suspend the permit is now lifted.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 809 VENTURE DR SMITHFIELD, NC 27577
Facility Type: Year-Round Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 02/02/2016
Score: 16

#  Comments Points
3. Pool pH is 7.0 Required to be in the range 7.2-7.8. Corrected to 7.6. 6.0
8. One skimmer weir missing. Intent to suspend issued. 4.0
15. Ring buoy rope is knotted up and measured only 14 ft. long. 1 1/2 times the width of this pool is 19.5 ft. Knots were removed from the rope and when remeasured was 19.5 ft. 6.0
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 809 VENTURE DR SMITHFIELD, NC 27577
Facility Type: Year-Round Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 05/13/2015
Score: 12

#  Comments Points
8. Weir is missing in the skimmer. Weir was replaced back into skimmer. 4.0
15. The rope to the ring buoy was knotted up during inspection. Make sure rope is 20 feet long and is not tied around buoy in knots. Rope was untangled to make 20 feet. 6.0
25. Fan in pump room is not working, You can repair fan or remove door to chemical room until fan is repaired or cut another vent to the outside. Fan was replaced and is working. 2.0
General Comments
Permit is being issued.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 809 VENTURE DR SMITHFIELD, NC 27577
Facility Type: Year-Round Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 05/13/2014
Score: 0

#  Comments Points
General Comments
CPO has been checking drain covers on a daily basis. Make sure this check is written into the daily pool record.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 809 VENTURE DR SMITHFIELD, NC 27577
Facility Type: Year-Round Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 02/18/2014
Score: 6

#  Comments Points
3. At the beginning of the inspection the pH was 7.0. CPO added chemical pH was 7.2 at the end of inspection. 6.0
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 809 VENTURE DR SMITHFIELD, NC 27577
Facility Type: Year-Round Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 05/15/2013
Score: 0

#  Comments Points
4. Water heater was not turned on at time of inspection. When on, it cannot be any warmer than 90F. 0.0
29. Mirrors not present in restrooms at time of inspection. If installing mirrors, they must be shatter proof. 0.0
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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