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Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools

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Location: 138 BALLAST POINT CLAYTON, NC 27520
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 07/25/2024
Score: 4

#  Comments Points
9. 3.5Ft depth marker extension had faded. Was redrawn at inspection to extend number height to 4”. All depth marker numerals must be 4”in letter height. Monitor through season. 4.0
General Comments
Far side gate locked at all times and was not evaluated at inspection.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 138 BALLAST POINT CLAYTON, NC 27520
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 04/19/2024
Score: 4

#  Comments Points
9. One depth marker on the pool deck for "3 1/2 FT" was not 4" in height. Operator used marker to increase the height of the marking to 4". Monitor during the season to make sure it stays. 4.0
General Comments
Seasonal Pool Permit Issued.

Gate on far side of pool deck is locked and not checked for operation.
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Location: 138 BALLAST POINT CLAYTON, NC 27520
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 07/06/2023
Score: 4

#  Comments Points
9. One "3 1/2" depth marker on pool deck was not 4" in height, tile marker appears to be new. Sharpie was used to increase height of number and now 4", monitor. CDI 4.0
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 138 BALLAST POINT CLAYTON, NC 27520
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 05/12/2023
Score: 4

#  Comments Points
16. A diagonal member has been added to the fence next to the date providing foot holds less than 45" between horizontal member foot holds. signs were placed to block foot holds that are less than 45" apart. Fence must be in compliance of latest fencing regulations. 4.0
General Comments
Service gate was not evaluated at inspection as it is locked. This gate must remain locked.
Restroom doors to the building must be locked.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 138 BALLAST POINT CLAYTON, NC 27520
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 05/05/2022
Score: 0

#  Comments Points
General Comments
7. pool floor and walls need vacuuming to remove debris
16. Service gate was not evaluated at inspection as it is locked. This gate must remain locked.
Restroom doors to the building must be locked.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 138 BALLAST POINT CLAYTON, NC 27520
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 04/29/2022
Score: 6

#  Comments Points
1. water is too cloudy for maindrains to be visible from the pool deck. pool permit cannot be issued. 6.0
General Comments
must call for reinspection.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 138 BALLAST POINT CLAYTON, NC 27520
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 09/02/2021
Score: 6

#  Comments Points
22. Emergency phone was not operating correctly-did not have a dial tone. Phone was replaced and now is properly operating-connects w/ 911 call center. 6.0
General Comments
Items resulting in the intent are repaired. Both of the doors from the Building into the restrooms are locked with a deadbolt that must be opened with a key on Bldg. side. Dead bolt can still be opened from bathroom-place sign about keeping locked and monitor each day w/ CPO visits. Intent to Suspend is lifted.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 138 BALLAST POINT CLAYTON, NC 27520
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 08/02/2021
Score: 14

#  Comments Points
5. After reviewing both the CPO sheets and the tech sheets-the blank spots for weekly cyanuric acid levels and total alkalinity are blank. Must check and record weekly. Intent issued to repair. 4.0
15. Ropes on both ring buoys were too long (~55'). Due to the size of the pool, ropes must be 50' long-ropes shortened. CDI 6.0
16. The doors from the bathroom to the pool deck are not self closing or self latching and bathrooms can be entered from the building also. During todays visit, the bathroom doors from bldg into the bathrooms were unlocked and open. It is a condition of the permit to keep these locked. Intent to Suspend issued to either: -make/adjust doors from the bathroom to the pool deck self closing and self latching OR -install a lock and key mechanism on doors from building to the bathroom. 4.0
General Comments
911 call center has 138. Our system has 142-repair with correct address with 911 call center.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 138 BALLAST POINT CLAYTON, NC 27520
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 05/07/2021
Score: 0

#  Comments Points
General Comments
No Violations Noted
*Address of pool in our system states 142, address with 911-town of clayton-and on the building is 138. I will verify with the 911 center of the correct address.

*Restroom doors to the building must be locked**Sign must be posted on doors instructing that they must be locked.
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Location: 138 BALLAST POINT CLAYTON, NC 27520
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 08/17/2020
Score: 10

#  Comments Points
8. 2 weirs were missing. Were replaced. CDI 4.0
15. Both ring buoy throw ropes were damaged and heavily fraying. Pool company came and replaced throw ropes. CDI 6.0
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 138 BALLAST POINT CLAYTON, NC 27520
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 05/15/2020
Score: 2

#  Comments Points
25. Provide shelving in the chemical storage room to keep all bags of chemicals stored above the ground. 2.0
General Comments
Pool permit issued. Bathers cannot use the pool until all Executive Orders covering Covid- 19 are expired or not extended.
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Location: 138 BALLAST POINT CLAYTON, NC 27520
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 07/09/2019
Score: 16

#  Comments Points
2. At the start of inspection the free chlorine level was less then a 1ppm. Operator was able to adjust chlorine and now providing 3ppm free chlorine in pool water. Chlorine level must always be maintained at 1ppm of above. CDI 6.0
7. Groups of frog eggs were all over the shallow section of pool and steps leading from sun shelf. According to pool records, operator was onsite less then 2 hours before my inspection. Better attention needs to be made clean and remove debris/eggs from pool. Operator was able to clean most of the frog eggs out. 4.0
17. Four surface skimmers had lids that were loose or tilted to the side. Lids must be secure in place to prevent a trip hazard. 4.0
25. Bags of chemicals stored directly on the floor in chemical storage room. Provide adequate shelving to store bags of chemicals on. 2.0
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 138 BALLAST POINT CLAYTON, NC 27520
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 05/24/2019
Score: 6

#  Comments Points
3. pH of pool water at start of inspection was 7.0. Sodium Bicarb was added and now a 7.2. pH must stay in a range of 7.2-7.8. 6.0
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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