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Great China

9149 Cleveland Rd. #102

Facility Type: Restaurant

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Great China
Location: 9149 Cleveland Rd. #102 CLAYTON, NC 27520
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 08/21/2024
Score: 98.5

#  Comments Points
23. 3-501.18; Priority; All cooked and cooled potentially hazardous foods that are held more than 24 hrs must be date labeled and held for no more than 7 days with day 1 as the date of preparation. A white board on the outside of the walk in being used to record dates for held products but the board had not been updated. update all date labels according to prep date. CDI white board updated 1.5
41. 3-304.14; Core; Wiping cloth should be stored in sanitizer at correct concentration between uses. Sanitizer was too strong at over 200ppm chlorine. Chlorine sanitizer should be at 50-100ppm. CDI PIC remade too 100ppm. 0.0
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Great China
Location: 9149 Cleveland Rd. #102 CLAYTON, NC 27520
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 03/14/2024
Score: 98

#  Comments Points
8. 2-301.14; Priority; Employee went from cutting raw chicken to going to cover and put a container of noodles into the walk-in cooler. Must wash hands after handling raw meats before starting another task or touching ready to eat foods. CDI education 2.0
22. 3-501.16 (A)(2) and (B); Priority; Top of the prep cooler holding at 43-44F. All potentially hazardous foods being cold held should be at 41F or below. PIC stated was busy during lunch so had unit open a lot which could have caused the rise in temperature. Monitor to make sure comes back down to 41F or below. Make adjustments so unit can keep up with rush times. CDI education 0.0
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Great China
Location: 9149 Cleveland Rd. #102 CLAYTON, NC 27520
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 11/09/2023
Score: 98.5

#  Comments Points
22. 3-501.16 (A)(2) and (B); Priority; Prep cooler holding at 44-45F. All potentially hazardous foods being cold held should be at 41F or below. PIC stated was busy during lunch so had unit open a lot which could have caused the rise in temperature. Monitor to make sure comes back down to 41F or below. Make adjustments so unit can keep up with rush times. 0.0
23. 3-501.18; Priority; All cooked and cooled potentially hazardous foods that are held more than 24 hrs must be date labeled and held for no more than 7 days with day 1 as the date of preparation. A white board on the outside of the walk in being used to record dates for held products but the board had not been updated. update all date labels according to prep date. CDI white board updated 1.5
41. 3-304.14; Core; Sanitizer too weak at 0ppm. Chlorine sanitizer should be at 50-100ppm. CDI PIC remade sanitizer to 50ppm. 0.0
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Great China
Location: 9149 Cleveland Rd. #102 CLAYTON, NC 27520
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 08/30/2023
Score: 100

#  Comments Points
16. 4-501.114; Priority; One sanitizer bottle too weak at 0ppm. Other sanitizer bottle at correct concentration at 100ppm. Make sure to change out sanitizer as often as needed to keep at the right concentration. CDI PIC remade to 100ppm. 0.0
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Great China
Location: 9149 Cleveland Rd. #102 CLAYTON, NC 27520
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 06/05/2023
Score: 98.5

#  Comments Points
15. 3-302.11; Priority; Raw chicken stored in the walk in above raw beef. Store all raw meats in order of final cook temperature with chicken on the bottom. Rearranged at inspection. FOOD shall be protected from cross contamination, Except when combined as ingredients, separating types of raw animal FOODS from each other such as beef, FISH, lamb, pork, and POULTRY during storage, preparation, holding, and display by: (a) Using separate EQUIPMENT for each type, P or (b) Arranging each type of FOOD in EQUIPMENT so that cross contamination of one type with another is prevented CDI 1.5
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Great China
Location: 9149 Cleveland Rd. #102 CLAYTON, NC 27520
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 03/01/2023
Score: 98.5

#  Comments Points
39. 3-305.11; Core Food items in the walk in freezer stored directly on the floor. Store all food items and single use articles at least 6 inches above the floor to faciliate cleaning and prevent contamination. ;Except as specified in par.par. (B) and (C) of this section, FOOD shall be protected from contamination by storing the FOOD: (1) In a clean, dry location; (2) Where it is not exposed to splash, dust, or other contamination; and (3) At least 15 cm (6 inches) above the floor. (B) FOOD in packages and working containers may be stored less than 15 cm (6 inches) above the floor on case lot handling EQUIPMENT as specified under sec. 4-204.122. (C) Pressurized BEVERAGE containers, cased FOOD in waterproof containers such as bottles or cans, and milk containers in plastic crates may be stored on a floor that is clean and not exposed to floor moisture. 1.0
55. 6-501.12; Core; General cleaning of floors, walls, and hood needed. Remove all unnecessary items from the kitchen area and store all single use articles where they will not be exposed to splash. Boxes of single use articles sitting on the drainboard and in the basin of the prep sink that is not being used. 0.5
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Great China
Location: 9149 Cleveland Rd. #102 CLAYTON, NC 27520
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 11/23/2022
Score: 100

#  Comments Points
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Great China
Location: 9149 Cleveland Rd. #102 CLAYTON, NC 27520
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 08/03/2022
Score: 99

#  Comments Points
10. 5-205.11; Priority Foundation; The back hand sink had items in sink when started inspection. When walked back through during inspection dish gloves stored in hand sink. Hand sinks should be free of storage and should be only used for hand washing. CDI PIC moved items. 1.0
22. 3-501.16 (A)(2) and (B); Priority; Noodles out on prep table at 45F. PIC stated got them out to cook and then got busy. Can not leave out at room temperature. CDI PIC put back into cooler. 0.0
28. 7-101.11; Priority Foundation; One spray bottle not labeled. PIC stated was oven cleaner. Label all working containers of chemicals/sanitizers/cleaners. CDI PIC labeled. 0.0
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Great China
Location: 9149 Cleveland Rd. #102 CLAYTON, NC 27520
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 05/09/2022
Score: 98.5

#  Comments Points
33. 3-501.15; Priority Foundation; All potentially hazardous foods must be cooled by an approved method to cool foods quickly from 135 to 70 in less than 2 hours and 135- 41F in a total of 6 hours or less. Fried chicken pieced and noodles were left to cool at room temperature on the table. cooling foods at room temperature is not an approved cooling method. Both items were taken to the walk in to complete the cooling process. CDI 0.5
38. 6-501.111; Core;The PREMISES shall be maintained free of insects, rodents, and other pests. The presence of insects, rodents, and other pests shall be controlled to eliminate their presence on the PREMISES by: (A) Routinely inspecting incoming shipments of FOOD and supplies; (B) Routinely inspecting the PREMISES for evidence of pests; Flies present in the walk in on top of food items and a few flies were seen in the back kitchen area by the back door. Improve pest control measures. 1.0
39. 3-307.11; Core; The back prep table has bags of sugar and flour stored underneath. do not prep any foods on this table while other supplies are stored underneath. Raw meats and bags of sugar and flour must be kept separated. vegetables were being prepped on this table during inspection. 0.0
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Great China
Location: 9149 Cleveland Rd. #102 CLAYTON, NC 27520
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 01/26/2022
Score: 98

#  Comments Points
6. 2-401.11; Core; All employee drinks must be stored below and away from prep surfaces, food items, and utensils. Employee drinks sitting on multiple prep surfaces throughout kitchen. 0.5
23. 3-501.17; Priority Foundation; All cooked and cooled potentially hazardous foods that are held more than 24 hrs must be date labeled and held for no more than 7 days with day 1 as the date of preparation. noodles in the walk in did not have date labels. a white board on the outside of the walk in being used to record dates for held products but the board had not been updated. update all date labels according to the prep date. products labeled at inspection. CDI 1.5
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Great China
Location: 9149 Cleveland Rd. #102 CLAYTON, NC 27520
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 11/18/2021
Score: 98.5

#  Comments Points
3. 2-201.11 (A), (B), (C), and (E); Priority; Download food employee reporting agreement. Have each employee read and sign. Keep in file. Education during inspection. CDI 0.0
5. 2-501.11; Priority Foundation; Download vomit and diarrhea clean up plan template. Keep in file where it is accessible for all employees to review as necessary. Education during inspection. CDI 0.0
16. 4-501.114; Priority; A few sanitizer solutions were weak or vacant of chlorine solution. Use test kits and change solutions regularly to ensure proper strength of 100 ppm. Use sanitizer on all food contact surfaces, equipment, and utensils. Solutions changed during inspection and then tested good. CDI 1.5
47. 4-501.11; Core; Do not put duct tape on handles of chopping knives or meat cleavers. All utensils and cookware must be easily cleanable and in good repair. 0.0
55. 6-201.11; Core; Replace missing ceiling tiles where necessary. Replace trim over walk-in coolers where it is missing all together. Trim may be vented so coolers can get air flow. 0.0
General Comments
Good Food Temps! Go to to download all forms and templates related to 2017 FDA Food Code Adoption.
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Great China
Location: 9149 Cleveland Rd. #102 CLAYTON, NC 27520
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 07/19/2021
Score: 98.5

#  Comments Points
General Comments
Good Food Temps!
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Great China
Location: 9149 Cleveland Rd. #102 CLAYTON, NC 27520
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 04/05/2021
Score: 98.5

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Great China
Location: 9149 Cleveland Rd. #102 CLAYTON, NC 27520
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 01/06/2021
Score: 99

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Great China
Location: 9149 Cleveland Rd. #102 CLAYTON, NC 27520
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 10/05/2020
Score: 98

#  Comments Points
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Great China
Location: 9149 Cleveland Rd. #102 CLAYTON, NC 27520
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 07/09/2020
Score: 98.5

#  Comments Points
General Comments
Bathrooms are currently blocked from customer access and for employees only. If opening the dining room to customers for dine in service it is recommended that access to restrooms is restored.
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Great China
Location: 9149 Cleveland Rd. #102 CLAYTON, NC 27520
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 01/15/2020
Score: 100

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Great China
Location: 9149 Cleveland Rd. #102 CLAYTON, NC 27520
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 10/08/2019
Score: 100

#  Comments Points
General Comments
Effective Jan. 1, 2019: The new standard for COLD HOLD is 41F or lower. Please monitor your cold hold temperatures to ensure your equipment and procedures are going to be capable of meeting this new requirement!
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Great China
Location: 9149 Cleveland Rd. #102 CLAYTON, NC 27520
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 07/31/2019
Score: 100

#  Comments Points
General Comments
Effective Jan. 1, 2019: The new standard for COLD HOLD is 41F or lower. Please monitor your cold hold temperatures to ensure your equipment and procedures are going to be capable of meeting this new requirement!
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Great China
Location: 9149 Cleveland Rd. #102 CLAYTON, NC 27520
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 04/30/2019
Score: 99

#  Comments Points
General Comments
Effective Jan. 1, 2019: The new standard for COLD HOLD is 41F or lower. Please monitor your cold hold temperatures to ensure your equipment and procedures are going to be capable of meeting this new requirement!
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Great China
Location: 9149 Cleveland Rd. #102 CLAYTON, NC 27520
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 02/04/2019
Score: 98

#  Comments Points
General Comments
Effective Jan. 1, 2019: The new standard for COLD HOLD is 41F or lower. Please monitor your cold hold temperatures to ensure your equipment and procedures are going to be capable of meeting this new requirement!
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Great China
Location: 9149 Cleveland Rd. #102 CLAYTON, NC 27520
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 11/21/2018
Score: 98.5

#  Comments Points
General Comments
Beginning Jan. 1, 2019 there will be new cold hold requirements. The new standard for cold hold will be 41F or lower. Please monitor your cold hold temperatures to ensure your equipment is going to be capable of meeting this new requirement!
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Great China
Location: 9149 Cleveland Rd. #102 CLAYTON, NC 27520
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 08/23/2018
Score: 98.5

#  Comments Points
General Comments
Beginning Jan. 1, 2019 there will be new cold hold requirements. The new standard for cold hold will be 41F or lower. Please monitor your cold hold temperatures to ensure your equipment is going to be capable of meeting this new requirement!
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Great China
Location: 9149 Cleveland Rd. #102 CLAYTON, NC 27520
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 05/04/2018
Score: 96.5

#  Comments Points
General Comments
Beginning Jan. 1, 2019 there will be new cold hold requirements. The new standard for cold hold will be 41F or lower. Please monitor your cold hold temperatures to ensure your equipment is going to be capable of meeting this new requirement!
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Great China
Location: 9149 Cleveland Rd. #102 CLAYTON, NC 27520
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 02/08/2018
Score: 96.5

#  Comments Points
General Comments
****Effective January 1st, 2019 all cold holding units must be able to hold foods at or below 41F.****
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