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Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools

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Location: 113 LINDA ST. PRINCETON, NC 27569
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 07/29/2024
Score: 20

#  Comments Points
2. Chlorine at the start of inspection was 0 ppm. A chlorine level of 1 ppm must be maintained. Chlorine was added and chlorine was checked again and read 3 ppm. CDI 6.0
8. All skimmers should have weirs. 4.0
10. Hooks on safety rope should be recessed. 2.0
11. Steps to the tall diving board should have hand rails due to the board being over 1 meter from the water. 2.0
16. Diagonal poles on the fence allow for a foot step to access the pool deck. Poles should be located on the pool side of the fence. 4.0
25. Chemicals should be in a separate locked storage room. 2.0
General Comments
VAC alert tested and was operational. Emergency phone tested and was operational.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Location: 113 LINDA ST. PRINCETON, NC 27569
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 05/13/2024
Score: 14

#  Comments Points
10. Hooks on safety rope should be recessed. 2.0
11. Steps to the tall diving board should have handrails due to the board being over 1 meter from the water. 2.0
16. Diagonal poles on the fence allow for a foot step to access the pool deck. The poles should be located on the pool side of the fence. 4.0
24. Flow meter is not operating and does not indicate the rate of circulation. 4.0
25. Chemicals should be stored in a separate locked storage room. 2.0
General Comments
All items should be repaired but not required due to the date of pool construction. Vac-Alert proven to be operational.
911 Call Center has 99 Pool St. Actual address is 302 Pool St. Repair.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 113 LINDA ST. PRINCETON, NC 27569
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 05/06/2024
Score: 20

#  Comments Points
1. Water was not clear enough to see the main drain. Water must be clear enough to see the bottom of the pool and the main drains. 6.0
10. Hooks on safety rope should be recessed. 2.0
22. Emergency telephone was not operational-Pool must have a telephone that is capable of dialing and connecting to the 911 call center. 6.0
24. Flow meter is not properly operating-repair. 4.0
25. Chemicals should be stored in a separate locked storage room. 2.0
General Comments
Repair #1 and #22 for a reinspection. Reinspection fee must be paid prior to next inspection 919-989-5180. Rope on ring buoy tied at 50'-remove extra.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 113 LINDA ST. PRINCETON, NC 27569
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 08/04/2023
Score: 18

#  Comments Points
2. The free chlorine level of pool was not measurable at the start of the inspection. Operator added chemical and now it is a 5ppm. Must have a minimum of 1ppm free chlorine at all times. 6.0
7. Debris on pool floor-operator in process of cleaning. Must be clean and kept free of debris. 4.0
10. Hooks on safety rope should be recessed 2.0
24. Flow meter is not operating-should have a flow meter operating to indicate the flow. Max flow of pump does not exceed the flow of the main drain capabilities. 4.0
25. Chemicals should be stored in a separate locked storage room. 2.0
General Comments
911 call center does not have the correct address-strongly suggest having it corrected.
Keep daily written records of free chlorine, pH and main drains. Keep weekly cyanuric acid levels and total alkalinity.

Vac-Alert is operational.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Location: 113 LINDA ST. PRINCETON, NC 27569
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 08/19/2021
Score: 24

#  Comments Points
6. Vac-alert does not appear to be working correctly. No audible alarm was able to be heard. Repair device to working order. Immediate suspension. 6.0
7. Clean pool walls better. 0.0
10. Hooks on safety rope should be recessed. 2.0
12. Inlets should have covers and adjusters to direct flow of return water. 4.0
15. Ring buoy not required with life guard but if ring buoy is on the pool deck it must be in good repair. Replace 50ft rope that is dry rotted on ring buoy. 6.0
16. Gate will not self close. Gate must self close. 4.0
25. Store chemicals in separate room from pump room. 2.0
General Comments
Keep weekly cyunuric acid and alkalinity readings!
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 113 LINDA ST. PRINCETON, NC 27569
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 06/04/2021
Score: 12

#  Comments Points
7. Leaves and debris in pool due to storms-all must be removed and clean before opening to bathers. 4.0
10. Hooks on safety rope should be recessed. 2.0
12. Inlets should have covers and adjusters to direct flow of return water. 4.0
25. Chemicals should be stored in a separate locked storage room, not equipment room. This door must be kept shut and locked when pool is open to bathers. 2.0
General Comments
*Keep daily pH levels, free chlorine levels and main drain check records.
*Keep weekly cyanuric acid levels and total alkalinity acid levels checks.

**Bonding completed on motor & approved by Building Inspections**
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 113 LINDA ST. PRINCETON, NC 27569
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 06/02/2021
Score: 16

#  Comments Points
10. Hooks on safety rope should be recessed. 2.0
12. Inlets should have covers and adjusters to direct flow of return water. 4.0
16. There was over 2" between ground and bottom of gate-metal bar installed to cover gap. CDI 4.0
19. There must be a sign in 1" minimum lettering stating: "ADULTS SHOULD NOT SWIM ALONE" and "CHILDREN SHOULD NOT USE THE SWIMMING POOL WITHOUT ADULT SUPERVISION". 4.0
25. Chemicals should be stored in a separate locked storage room. 2.0
General Comments
* Bonding on pool motor is in question* Waiting on approval from building inspections before permit issued.*
*Electrician on site and will run ground to motor & Bldg Insp must approve.
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Location: 113 LINDA ST. PRINCETON, NC 27569
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 07/22/2020
Score: 18

#  Comments Points
2. Chlorine was 0 ppm at start of inspection. Chlorine was added and then read 1 ppm within the hour. CDI 6.0
8. Surface skimmers should have wiers. Do not place chlorine tablets in skimmers. Removed during inspection. CDI 4.0
10. Hooks on the safety rope should be recessed. 2.0
12. Inlets should have covers and adjusters to direct flow of return water. 4.0
25. Should have separate chemical storage room for chemicals. 2.0
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Location: 113 LINDA ST. PRINCETON, NC 27569
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 06/19/2020
Score: 18

#  Comments Points
8. Surface skimmers should have weirs. 4.0
10. Hooks on the safety rope should be recessed. 2.0
12. Inlets should have covers and adjusters to direct flow of return water 4.0
22. Emergency telephone is not operational due to an outage in the area. Pool cannot open and operate without a phone. Call when repaired for a reinspection. 6.0
25. Should have a separate chemical storage room for chemicals. 2.0
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Location: 113 LINDA ST. PRINCETON, NC 27569
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 06/19/2020
Score: 12

#  Comments Points
8. Surface skimmers should have weirs. 4.0
10. Hooks on the safety rope should be recessed. 2.0
12. Inlets should have covers and adjusters to direct flow of return water 4.0
25. Should have a separate chemical storage room for chemicals 2.0
General Comments
Vac alert is proven to be operational. Phone is properly operating.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Location: 113 LINDA ST. PRINCETON, NC 27569
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 08/01/2019
Score: 16

#  Comments Points
7. Pool floor has uneven areas from pitting and paint is bubbling/chipping. Before operating next season-the pool finish must be even and repainted. 4.0
8. Surface skimmers should have weirs. Equalizers are not installed in the pool, however bottom of skimmer unit has opening for plumbing-plug or cap. 4.0
10. Hooks on the safety rope should be recessed. 2.0
12. Inlets should have covers and adjusters to direct flow of return water 4.0
15. Replace all worn rescue can- use only once in good repair. Rope around ring buoy still in tact but wearing-monitor and replace when worn. 0.0
25. Should have a separate chemical storage room for chemicals. Water is flowing from a small hole in wall onto the floor of pump/chemical room and into the floor drain. repair the source of water. 2.0
General Comments
Vac alert is properly operating.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Location: 113 LINDA ST. PRINCETON, NC 27569
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 05/31/2019
Score: 16

#  Comments Points
8. Surface skimmers should have weirs. 4.0
10. Hooks on the safety rope should be recessed. 2.0
12. Inlets should have covers and adjusters to direct flow of return water. 4.0
17. An area of deck by shallow end had an offset >1/2. Area was filled in with concrete. CDI. 4.0
25. Should have a separate chemical storage room for chemicals. 2.0
General Comments
Vac-Alert was proven to be operational.

Must keep daily pH and free chlorine levels. Weekly cyanuric acid and total alkalinity. Keep daily main drain checks on record sheet.

Ring buoy is starting to wear on rope. Monitor and replace as needed.
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Location: 113 LINDA ST. PRINCETON, NC 27569
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 08/20/2018
Score: 28

#  Comments Points
2. Free chlorine levels swimming pool was less then 1 ppm at start of inspection, chlorinator was found to be turned off. Chlorinator turned on and chlorine added, now a 1ppm free chlorine. Must be a minimum of 1ppm free chlorine,. CDI 6.0
6. Vac alert was not able to be proven operational - pool closed until repaired and proven to work. 6.0
7. Paint is chipping and pitting on the pool walls and floor. The entire pool wall and floor will need all paint removed then repaint-replaster all damaged areas. 4.0
9. Depth marker that was missing on 7-19-18 inspection, was still missing. Underwater tape used to make a 3ft depth marker on pool wall. CDI 4.0
10. Hooks on the safety rope should be recessed 2.0
12. Inlets should have fittings 4.0
25. Chemicals should be stored in a separate locked storage room. Above the floor 2.0
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 113 LINDA ST. PRINCETON, NC 27569
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 08/20/2018
Score: 12

#  Comments Points
7. The paint on the pool wall and floor is chipping and pitting. Several damaged areas in the plaster. All paint will need to be removed, plaster repaired and then repainted. All wall tiles that are chipping or in bad repair will need to be replaced. 4.0
10. Hooks on the safety rope should be recessed 2.0
12. Inlets should have fittings 4.0
13. To repair the damaged contrasting color band on steps, underwater tape was applied. This will hold up on temporary bases (pool only open 1 more week). By next pool season a permanent contrasting color band must be installed. 0.0
25. Chemicals should be stored in a separate locked storage room. 2.0
General Comments
vac-alert on the circulation system was proven to be operational and is activated when water is restricted in the main drain. Pool is approved to reopen.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 113 LINDA ST. PRINCETON, NC 27569
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 07/19/2018
Score: 34

#  Comments Points
2. Free chlorine levels swimming pool was less then 1 ppm. Chlorine added and now a 2 ppm. Must be maintained at 1ppm. 6.0
7. replace missing tiles on pool wall 4.0
9. One depth marker missing on the 3 foot deep end by the basketball goal.-repair 4.0
10. Hooks on the safety rope should be recessed 2.0
12. Outlets should have fittings 4.0
13. The contrasting band on steps is almost completely missing.-repair 4.0
16. Gate at start of inspection was not self latching. Operator repaired- monitor CDI 4.0
23. The automatic chlorinator is broken, lifeguards have been feeding in chlorine by hand. -repair 4.0
25. Chemicals should be stored in a separate locked storage room. Above the floor. 2.0
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 113 LINDA ST. PRINCETON, NC 27569
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 06/05/2018
Score: 20

#  Comments Points
10. Hooks on the safety rope should be recessed. 2.0
12. outlets should have fittings, construction of pool does not allow for fittings 4.0
16. Gate was not compliant at start of inspection - 2" below gate to concrete, <45" between horizontal bars. Bar added to bottom of gate to close gap. Horizontal bar on outside removed. 4.0
19. Posted sign as per .2530 was not compliant. Must have in 1" minimum letters " CHILDERN SHOULD NOT USE THE SWIMMING POOL WITHOUT ADULT SUPERVISON" AND " ADULTS SHOULD NOT SWIM ALONE". sign replaced with compliant sign. 4.0
23. Sticks of chlorine in the bottom portion of pool-do not place chemicals directly in the pool or skimmer baskets- sticks were removed. 4.0
25. Chemicals should be stored in a separate locked storage room 2.0
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 113 LINDA ST. PRINCETON, NC 27569
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 08/25/2017
Score: 12

#  Comments Points
7. Pool wall below skimmer in shallow end of pool (by entrance gate) must be solid- repair damaged area. 4.0
13. The contrasting color band on steps is faded. Tiles are slick. Remove the light blue slick tiles and replace with a tile that is slip resistant (textured). 4.0
23. Chlorine tabs are being placed in the skimmer basket. Do not place chemicals in areas exposed to the public. If the automatic chlorinator cannot provide the minimum 1ppm then system must be replaced. 4.0
General Comments
Intent that was issued on 7-25-17 is lifted due to compliance. Pool closes in 11 days so a new intent will not be issued on these violations. Repair by the 2018 operating season.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 113 LINDA ST. PRINCETON, NC 27569
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 07/25/2017
Score: 6

#  Comments Points
2. Free chlorine level was less then a 1ppm, not measurable. 6.0
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 113 LINDA ST. PRINCETON, NC 27569
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 07/25/2017
Score: 24

#  Comments Points
2. The free chlorine level of the pool water was not measurable at start of inspection. Must be a minimum of 1ppm. Chlorinator adjusted and added to pool and now 1 ppm. 6.0
5. Daily pH and chlorine levels from lifeguards observed but no records from the CPO available. By 8-25-17, there must be 30 days of CPO records on pH, chlorine levels and main drain checks. As well as weekly total alkalinity levels and cyanuric acid levels. 4.0
12. Inlets should have fittings. 4.0
16. Latch on gate should be 54" above ground. 4.0
19. Sign compliant w/ .2528 was not posted (damaged and o the ground) replace. 4.0
25. Chemicals should be stored in a separate locked chemical storage room. Door to existing equipment and chemical room should be kept closed and locked. 2.0
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Location: 113 LINDA ST. PRINCETON, NC 27569
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 06/09/2017
Score: 10

#  Comments Points
12. Inlets should have fitting to help adjust flow/direction. 4.0
16. Latch on fence should be 54 inches above the ground. 4.0
25. Chemicals should be stored in a separate locked storage room. 2.0
General Comments
-Address on sign by the emergency phone was changed to match what the 911 call center had and what our records indicate.

-Vac Alert system was proven to be operational.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 113 LINDA ST. PRINCETON, NC 27569
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 06/07/2017
Score: 28

#  Comments Points
6. Vac Alert was not able to be proven that it is operational during inspection. Must be proven since this is a single main drain pool - repair. 6.0
12. Inlets should have fittings. 4.0
13. The leading edge of step has a section that is 8 inches in length where tile is missing and concrete is damaged. This damaged area slopes down and does not provide a sturdy safe place for foot placement. -repair 4.0
15. Rope was 60 feet long and not attached to ring buoy. Rope was cut to 50 feet long and attached to buoy. 6.0
22. Emergency phone has a dial tone and can receive calls, but buttons are unable to be pushed to make a call -repair. 6.0
25. Chemicals should be stored in a separate locked storage room. 2.0
General Comments
Permit not issued. Repair violations #6, #13, #22.

One depth marking reads " FT9" repair to read "9FT".
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 113 LINDA ST. PRINCETON, NC 27569
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 06/10/2016
Score: 26

#  Comments Points
2. The free chlorine level in pool was not measurable at start of inspection. Chlorinator adjusted and now providing a free chlorine level of 3ppm. Must be a minimum of 1ppm. 6.0
8. Skimmers should have weirs and equalizer lines. 4.0
10. Floats on safety rope cannot be spaced more than 5 feet apart. 2.0
11. Diving board should have handrails due to the height of board above the ground 2.0
12. Inlets should have adjustable covers. 4.0
16. Latch on fence should be 54 inches above the ground 4.0
25. Chemicals should have a separate storage room 2.0
29. Provide paper towels at the restroom handsinks. Clean the male restroom. 2.0
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 113 LINDA ST. PRINCETON, NC 27569
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 07/09/2015
Score: 18

#  Comments Points
8. Skimmers should have equalizer lines. 4.0
9. On the pool wall: 1 depth marker missing the 'T', 1 depth marker (between diving boards) not 4 inches in height. Replace by 7-10-15. 4.0
10. Hooks on safety rope should be recessed. Make sure safety rope is properly installed w/ buoys spaced not more than 5 feet apart. 2.0
11. Diving board should have handrails due to the height of board above the ground 2.0
16. Latch on fence should be 54 inches above the ground 4.0
25. Chemicals should have a separate storage room. 2.0
General Comments
Pool can reopen for normal operation.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 113 LINDA ST. PRINCETON, NC 27569
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 07/08/2015
Score: 36

#  Comments Points
1. Water in the deep section of pool is too cloudy to see the main drain. 6.0
2. The free chlorine level in pool was less than 1ppm. Must have a free chlorine level of 1ppm at all times. 6.0
3. pH is over an 8. Must be between a 7.2-7.8. 6.0
8. Skimmers should have equalizer lines. 4.0
9. On the pool wall: 1 depth marker missing the "T", 1 depth marker (between diving boards) not 4 inches in height. 4.0
10. Floats on safety rope cannot be more than 5 feet apart. 2.0
11. Diving board should have handrails due to the height of board above the ground 2.0
16. Latch on fence should be 54 inches above the ground. 4.0
25. Chemicals should have a separate storage room. 2.0
General Comments
Pool closed, #1, #2, #3 must be fixed.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 113 LINDA ST. PRINCETON, NC 27569
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 06/05/2015
Score: 30

#  Comments Points
2. The free chlorine levels were less than 1ppm. chlorine level adjusted and not 2ppm. Must have a minimum of 1.0ppm at all times. 6.0
3. The pH was more than an 8.0. Now reading a 7.8. Keep between 7.2-7.8. 6.0
8. Skimmers should have weirs or equalizer lines/covers. 4.0
11. Diving board should have handrails due to the height of board above the ground. 2.0
15. Ring buoy is in bad repair-Must have a lifeguard on duty at ALL times until buoy is replaced. 6.0
16. Latch on fence should be 54 inches above the ground. 4.0
25. Chemicals should have a separate storage room. 2.0
General Comments
*Vac Alert was proven to be operational.*
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 113 LINDA ST. PRINCETON, NC 27569
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 06/20/2014
Score: 12

#  Comments Points
8. Surface skimmers should have equalizer lines. 4.0
11. The high diving board needs handrails. 2.0
24. The flow meter is not properly operating - repair. 4.0
25. Should have a separate chemical storage room. 2.0
General Comments
-Add daily main drain checks on CPO record sheet.
-Gate is not always self latching, until repaired there must be a lifeguard and a gate attendant on duty at all times.

*VAC Alert is working properly*
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 113 LINDA ST. PRINCETON, NC 27569
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 07/30/2013
Score: 18

#  Comments Points
7. Pool floor needs to be cleaned to remove dirt. Replace missing tile from pool wall. 4.0
16. Gate is not self latching. (no gate attendant on duty). Gate must self close and self latch. 4.0
17. Should have 5 feet of walkway around diving boards and platforms. 4.0
18. Life guard went off duty for 'break' and adults stayed in the pool. Provide a sign in 4" letters stating "WARNING NO LIFEGUARD ON DUTY". Lifeguard cannot go off duty until this is done. 4.0
29. Sink in mens restroom is spraying water onto the floor when turned on - repair. 2.0
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 113 LINDA ST. PRINCETON, NC 27569
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 05/23/2013
Score: 18

#  Comments Points
3. The pH of pool water was 8.0 or greater. The pH must be in a range of 7.2-7.8. pH is now a 7.6. 6.0
8. Skimmers should have equalizer lines. 4.0
11. Diving board should have handrails due to height of board. 2.0
17. Should have 5 feet of walkway around diving boards and platforms. 4.0
29. Both restrooms need soap and paper towels and toilet paper. 2.0
General Comments
*Must have a lifeguard on duty at all times pool is open for operation* If gate does not self close and self latch then there must be a gate attendant also. *Vac Alert SVRS was demonstrated to be properly operating*
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 113 LINDA ST. PRINCETON, NC 27569
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 08/20/2012
Score: 0

#  Comments Points
General Comments
Pool has till next pool season to repair the walls and the pool is old enough not the have the flow meter working.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 113 LINDA ST. PRINCETON, NC 27569
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 07/17/2012
Score: 16

#  Comments Points
7. Pool walls have missing tiles. Replace all missing tiles. Will have 30 days to repair. 4.0
8. replace missing weir in diving end (pepsi) side. There are no equalizer lines. 4.0
10. Safety rope hooks must be recessed. 2.0
24. Flow meter is stuck needs to repair flow meter. Will have 30 days. 4.0
32. Restroom floors are not slip resistant. 2.0
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 113 LINDA ST. PRINCETON, NC 27569
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 06/01/2012
Score: 16

#  Comments Points
8. 3of 4 skimmers do not have equalizers, 1 skimmer has the equalizer plugged in basket. 4.0
10. Hooks on safety rope should be recessed. 2.0
11. Diving Board should have handrails due to it being over 1 meter high above water level. 2.0
12. Inlets should have covers. Construction does not allow a fitting. 4.0
17. Should have 5` of deck space behind diving board. 4.0
General Comments
VAC ALERT is properly operating

Must have lifeguards on duty at all times of operation.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 113 LINDA ST. PRINCETON, NC 27569
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 05/25/2011
Score: 28

#  Comments Points
2. Free chlorine level was 0.5ppm at start of inspection. Level was adjusted in the pump room, now providing 1ppm. Must have a minimum of 1ppm. 6.0
8. 3of 4 skimmers do not have equalizers, 1 skimmer has teh equalizer plugged in basket. 4.0
9. One depth marking on pool wall missing number. Vinyl number was replaced. 4.0
10. Hooks on safety rope should be recessed. Floats on rope cannot be more than 5 feet apart. 2.0
11. Diving Board should have handrails due to it being over 1 meter high above water level. 2.0
12. Inlets should have covers. Construction does not allow a fitting. 4.0
17. Should have 5` of deck space behind diving board. 4.0
25. Keep fan on in the equipment/chemical room. SHould have a seperate chemical room. 2.0
General Comments
Vac alert properly operating, skimmer locked in the on position.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 113 LINDA ST. PRINCETON, NC 27569
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 05/26/2010
Score: 16

#  Comments Points
8. Skimmers do not have equalizer lines. 4.0
10. Hooks on safety rope should be recessed. 2.0
11. Diving Board should have handrails due to it being over 1 meter high above water level. 2.0
12. Inlets should have covers. Construction does not allow a fitting. 4.0
17. Should have 5` of deck space behind diving board. 4.0
General Comments
-Compliance with the VGB Act received and approved from C. Tyrus Clayton, P.E.
-Pump: 3Hp Challenger

Must have lifeguards on duty all times!

-Vac Alert properly operating and skimmer locked in the on position (knob/handle removed).
-Automatic feeders properly stops when pump off.
-Must have 10 foot candles of light on deck when open past dark.
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Location: 113 LINDA ST. PRINCETON, NC 27569
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 08/06/2009
Score: 0.0

#  Comments Points
11. Hook for safety rope should be recessed. Missing rails on driving board. 2.0
17. Should have 5' of deck space behind diving board. 4.0
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 113 LINDA ST. PRINCETON, NC 27569
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 05/08/2009
Score: 100.0

#  Comments Points
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 113 LINDA ST. PRINCETON, NC 27569
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 05/22/2008
Score: 100.0

#  Comments Points
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 113 LINDA ST. PRINCETON, NC 27569
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 07/31/2007
Score: 100.0

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Location: 113 LINDA ST. PRINCETON, NC 27569
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 05/29/2007
Score: 100.0

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Location: 113 LINDA ST. PRINCETON, NC 27569
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 05/26/2006
Score: 100.0

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Location: 113 LINDA ST. PRINCETON, NC 27569
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 05/23/2005
Score: 100.0

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Location: 113 LINDA ST. PRINCETON, NC 27569
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 05/24/2004
Score: 100.0

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Location: 113 LINDA ST. PRINCETON, NC 27569
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 07/24/2003
Score: 100.0

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Location: 113 LINDA ST. PRINCETON, NC 27569
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 05/15/2003
Score: 100.0

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Location: 113 LINDA ST. PRINCETON, NC 27569
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 06/27/2002
Score: 100.0

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Location: 113 LINDA ST. PRINCETON, NC 27569
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 06/26/2002
Score: 100.0

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Location: 113 LINDA ST. PRINCETON, NC 27569
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 05/28/2002
Score: 100.0

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Location: 113 LINDA ST. PRINCETON, NC 27569
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 05/04/2001
Score: 100.0

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Location: 113 LINDA ST. PRINCETON, NC 27569
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 06/01/2000
Score: 100.0

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Location: 113 LINDA ST. PRINCETON, NC 27569
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 05/28/1999
Score: 100.0

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Location: 113 LINDA ST. PRINCETON, NC 27569
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 05/22/1998
Score: 100.0

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Location: 113 LINDA ST. PRINCETON, NC 27569
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 08/02/1994
Score: 0.0

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