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Crawford Cookshop

401 E Main St. Suite 105

Facility Type: Restaurant

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Crawford Cookshop
Location: 401 E Main St. Suite 105 CLAYTON, NC 27520
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 04/16/2024
Score: 97.5

#  Comments Points
23. 3-501.17; Priority Foundation; Several foods throughout the facility (ribs, grits, cut lettuce, facility made sauces, cooked and cooled vegetables, etc.) without the required date label on them. All TCS foods that are ready to eat and held over a days operation, must have a date on them to track the 7 day hold time. Employees were able to identify when the foods were processed or cooked and accurately date label upon request. 1.5
29. 3-502.12; Priority; Raw fish that arrives in a refrigerated state is being sliced, placed in ROP and then frozen. Raw fish cannot be placed in ROP unless it is frozen before, during and after the ROP process. A HACCP plan must be developed if wanting to ROP frozen raw fish. The fish that is in the freezer that is ROP from the establishment cannot be sold from the facility and must be removed. Operator educated on what is needed to do this process and not to sell the fish that is ROP. 1.0
39. 3-305.14; Core; Raw fish was thawing at the dish sink. Use the raw seafood prep sink only to thaw this item in, not the dish sink. 0.0
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Crawford Cookshop
Location: 401 E Main St. Suite 105 CLAYTON, NC 27520
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 01/10/2024
Score: 97

#  Comments Points
15. 3-302.11; Priority Foundation; Several coolers and freezers had foods stored uncovered in pans or on trays. Container of food placed directly on top of food in another pan. Tuna that will be served raw or under cooked stored below a raw meat. In all coolers and freezers, store foods in a manner to keep them protected. Store in covered containers. Store raw meats below ready to eat foods, and store according to final cook temperature or serving temperature. Items were rearranged. If placing items in the cooler or freezer to cool uncovered, place on the top shelf only. 1.5
29. 3-502.12; Core; Several containers of Sous Vide meats in ROP in the reach in coolers and cooler drawers without any label on them of the production time and date. All sous vide products in ROP must have a production time and date on them. The facility only has a variance to hold items in ROP for no longer then 48hrs. Production date and time is vital in being able to monitor the 48 hours maximum time these items can be held. Manager to date with production date and time. A container that did have the date of production on it was over 8 days old. Per the available variance, foods in ROP can only be held for 48 hours. If wanting to hold over the 48 hours, then you must resubmit to the Variance committee with a HACCP Plan for approval before doing so. 1.0
41. 3-304.14; Core; Several soiled wiping cloths on food prep surfaces throughout, buckets with sanitizer were not available at the start. Once a wiping cloth has been used, it must be stored in a sanitizer solution between uses. Buckets were made and placed around prep stations for wiping cloth storage. 0.5
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Crawford Cookshop
Location: 401 E Main St. Suite 105 CLAYTON, NC 27520
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 09/14/2023
Score: 97.5

#  Comments Points
15. 3-302.11; Core; Several containers of food stored uncovered in the tall reach in coolers. Store all foods in covered containers to protect. If cooling in the cooler, place food pan on top shelf to cool. 0.0
23. 3-501.17; Priority Foundation; Several food items throughout in the coolers (sauces, cooked and cooled sauces, pimento cheese, cut TCS vegetables, cooked and cooled vegetable dishes) without the required date label on them. All foods that are TCS and held over 24 hours must have a date label on them. Label with the date of prep OR the expiration date that is 7 days once prepared. Manager was able to date label with the date items were prepared. 1.5
29. 3-502.12 (F); Core; Several containers of Sous Vide meats in ROP in the reach in coolers and cooler drawers without any label on them of the production time and date. All sous vide products in ROP must have a production time and date on them. The facility only has a variance to hold items in ROP for no longer then 48hrs. Production date and time is vital in being able to monitor the 48 hours maximum time these items can be held. Manager dated with the date of production. 1.0
47. 4-501.12; Core; The cutting board on the salad prep cooler is showing dark cut marks in it. If unable to clean then it needs to be resurfaced or replaced. 0.0
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Crawford Cookshop
Location: 401 E Main St. Suite 105 CLAYTON, NC 27520
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 06/28/2023
Score: 98

#  Comments Points
15. 3-302.11; Priority; Container of raw fish filets above cooked pork in ROP. In all coolers, arrange them so that raw meats and raw seafood is always stored below ready to eat foods. Items were rearranged. 0.0
23. 3-501.17; Priority Foundation; Many foods in the reach in coolers and prep coolers without the required date label on them (cooked and cooled vegetables, sauces made on site, cooked and cooled meats, etc.) All TCS foods that are ready to eat and held over 24 hours must have a date label on them. Chef was able to date for the date of prep. These items can be held for a maximum of 7 days and there must be a way to track that time line. 1.5
44. 4-903.11(A), (B) and (D); Core; On the front side of the entire cook line, food service items and utensils are being stored on the shelving below. The shelving has food debris on it and the top plate, bowl, etc. on each stack has debris on it as well. Shelving needs to be cleaned to remove debris. Store all food service item inverted to keep protected from drip or splash. 0.5
General Comments
New kitchen manager in the facility. Advise obtaining copies of the state granted variances to review the approved processes to follow.
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Crawford Cookshop
Location: 401 E Main St. Suite 105 CLAYTON, NC 27520
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 03/29/2023
Score: 97

#  Comments Points
6. 2-401.11; Core; A few beverages on food prep tables. When consumed in the kitchen, all beverages must have a cover and be kept in a location that is away and below all food prep areas and food storage areas. 0.0
15. 3-302.11; Priority; Pork and duck were being prepared at the dish sink while sink vat had used containers in it, foods stored uncovered throughout, container of food stored directly on top of foods in another container, raw meat stored above ready to eat foods. All food should be handled and stored in a manner to keep protected. The dish sink cannot be used to prepare foods. Use the food prep sinks only. Only prepare one species of meat at a time. Clean and sanitize between uses. Unless on the top shelf in the cooling process, all foods on the multilevel shelving in coolers and freezers must be kept covered. Do not place containers of food directly on top of other foods. There must be a barrier between them such as lids or plastic wrap. Always store raw meats and raw seafood (except that which is served raw) stored below the ready to eat foods. Items were moved, covered and rearranged to CDI. 1.5
23. 3-501.17; Priority Foundation; Many cooked and cooled meats as well as other foods throughout without the required date label on them. All foods that are TCS and ready to eat must have a date label on them to track the 7 day hold time. Manager able to label according to prep date. 1.5
25. 3-603.11; Priority Foundation; The menu has a consumer advisory and warning on the bottom of it and is * for the grilled pork. The facility serves raw tuna as a dish. This should also have a * to identify the food sold raw and direct the guest to the warning/advisory. 0.0
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Crawford Cookshop
Location: 401 E Main St. Suite 105 CLAYTON, NC 27520
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 12/22/2022
Score: 98

#  Comments Points
22. 3-501.16 (A)(2) and (B); Priority; Foods (grits, ribs, etc.) were placed on top of food container lids in the open top portion of the prep cooler and holding a temperature of 43F-45F. Unit was keeping foods that were stored properly in it below 41F. Do not stack foods in the top of this unit on top of other food containers, unit is not designed to cool up there. When in cold holding, foods must be at or below 41F. CDI with education. 1.5
33. 3-501.15; Priority Foundation; Foods are allowed to sit out to cool, then wrapped and placed in the cooler to finish the cooling process. In order to cool to the required temperature in the required time frame, foods need to be cooled by removing from hot pans, using an ice bath or ice as an ingredient, ice wands, placing on the top shelf uncovered in the cooler, etc. Covering in the pan it was cooked in and placing in the cooler is not an approved method. 0.5
47. 4-501.12; Core; The cutting board on the salad prep cooler had many deep dark cut marks in it. If unable to clean to remove, then the board needs to be resurfaced or replaced. 0.0
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Crawford Cookshop
Location: 401 E Main St. Suite 105 CLAYTON, NC 27520
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 09/14/2022
Score: 97.5

#  Comments Points
15. 3-302.11; Priority Foundation; In many of the coolers, trays and containers of foods were stored uncovered, and containers of ready to serve vegetables uncovered. Raw meats were above opened containers of cooked items and vegetables. In all coolers, store foods in a manner to protect. Store in covered containers. If in the cooling process, place the open container on the top shelf where nothing can cross contaminate it. Store raw meat and raw seafood below ready to eat foods. 1.5
35. 3-501.13 ; Priority Foundation; A few pieces of meat thawing in the prep sink in standing water. If thawing in the prep sink, you must thaw under cold running water With sufficient water velocity to agitate and float off loose particles in an overflow. 0.0
41. 3-304.14; Core; Wiping cloths on prep counters and buckets for sanitizer were empty. Before beginning the days operation, a sanitizer solution should be made and used to hold wiping cloths between uses. 0.5
45. 4-502.14; Core; Oyster shells are washed and sanitized, allowed to dry and then stored in a clean container at room temperature until ready to be used as a serving container for cooked oysters. The reuse of oyster shells as serving dishes is allowable but the following parameters must be met as according to Session Law 2019-141: 1-Posts on the premises a sign that is visible and clearly legible advising that the establishment reuses oyster shells to serve cooked oysters in. 2-the same day that the oyster is removed from the shell: boil for 10 minutes minimum -allow the shell to thoroughly dry -store the shells in a covered container that is refrigerated 3-Reuse the shell 1 time within 48 hours after the raw oyster is removed from the shell. 0.5
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Crawford Cookshop
Location: 401 E Main St. Suite 105 CLAYTON, NC 27520
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 06/23/2022
Score: 97.5

#  Comments Points
6. 2-401.11; Core; Employee beverage sitting on shelf above food processing equipment. All beverages must be kept in a location that is below all food prep and storage areas and away from food contact items. 0.0
23. 3-501.18; Priority; All the food products that require a date label has one on them. However there were many items (pimento cheese, beans, sauces, etc.) that had a date label on them of 6/16 or earlier. Items can only be held for 7 days, include the date of prep as day 1. All items were removed for disposal. 1.5
33. 3-501.15; Priority Foundation; Pans of food cooling tightly covered in the reach in coolers and tray of rice cooling by sitting at room temp on speed rack by grill. There must be an active cooling method used to rapidly chill food to the required temperature in the required time. Use uncovered, shallow pans on the top shelf in the freezer. Use ice baths, ice bags or ice as an ingredient. Tightly covering or placing at room temperature is not an approved method. 0.5
41. 3-304.14; Core; Many soiled wiping cloths on food prep tables and cutting boards throughout. Buckets for sanitizer for storage of wiping cloths were empty. Cloths were used to wipe surfaces, then hung on cooks apron. Between uses the wiping cloths must be placed in the sanitizer solution. Buckets were made to 200ppm Quaternary Ammonia and cloths placed in them. 0.5
General Comments
During todays visit, the facility was not using the methods as outlined in their state approved variance. They were using the 2017 Food Code, section 3-502.12 (F) which does not require the Variance or HACCP Plan. No foods in ROP were seen in the coolers or refrigerator. Foods were in ROP in the Sous Vide Machines for use within 48 hours of the ROP date.
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Crawford Cookshop
Location: 401 E Main St. Suite 105 CLAYTON, NC 27520
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 03/17/2022
Score: 97.5

#  Comments Points
14. 3-203.12; Priority Foundation; The facility has every tag from the shellfish since opening and available for review. Keep a minimum of 90 days on site. The date that the last oyster out of that container was sold must be written on the tag when removed for record keeping. 0.0
23. 3-501.17; Priority Foundation; Many cooked and cooled meats, sauces that are made on site, etc. that require a date label but did not have one. All TCS foods that are held over 24 hours must have a date label on them. 3-501.18; PF; Several items that were date labeled had a date that was over 7 days ago. Foods can only be held for a maximum of 7 days including the date of prep as day 1. All foods in ROP must be labeled with the date of prep so the 48 hours can be tracked. 1.5
29. 3-502.12; Core; Facility has approval to ROP foods without a HACCP plan due to them only being held in ROP for 48 hours or less. Several containers of cooked and cooled meats in the cooler that were ROP'd over 48 hours ago. All items were disposed of. If the facility is going to ROP without a Variance or HACCP then they can only be held for 48 hours and must be disposed of after 48 hours. 1.0
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View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Crawford Cookshop
Location: 401 E Main St. Suite 105 CLAYTON, NC 27520
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 12/14/2021
Score: 98

#  Comments Points
6. 2-401.11; Core; Employee beverage on food prep area. All beverages must be stored in a location that is below and away from all food prep areas and food storage areas as well as food contact items. 0.0
10. 5-205.11; Priority Foundation; In the beverage station, a tea urn was in the hand sink and water from this sink was potentially going to be used to make tea. Do not block or place anything in this sink as it is for hand washing only. Do not use this water for consumption. 0.0
22. 3-501.16 (A)(2) and (B); Priority; Foods in the open top portion of the reach in cooler that is on grill side is holding foods in the top between 42F-45F. Foods in the top drawers are 42F-44F, bottom drawer was 39F. Unit must be able to hold foods at or below 41F. CDI with education. 1.5
41. 3-304.14; Core; The concentration of sanitizer in the buckets was weak and unable to be checked. When the solution was checked from the dispenser, it was too weak as well and unable to be checked. When using a quaternary ammonia sanitizer solution, the concentration must be 200ppm according to the manufacturers label. Company that installed the system is on the way to repair. 0.5
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Red Denotes Critical Violation
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